
18% Protein Layer Mash

Size: 50 lb Bag

Experience a healthy flock like never before! This formula is always made fresh with consistent high-energy ingredients. We never use fillers. The result is a happier healthier flock with more consistent and frequent egg production. Designed to be fed from the onset of the first egg throughout the mature life of the hen. 

  • Crack and compared with store-bought eggs our feed will result in darker yolks, heavier whites, and all together more flavor.
  • Guaranteed Fresh.
  • High-energy ingredients.
  • No antibiotics added, ever.

Customer Reviews

Based on 128 reviews
Matthew garbett

18% Protein Layer Mash

Travis Van Noy
Love Leland

These guys are easy and quick to work with. Never had any issues and my ladies started laying a bit earlier this season due to their feed.

Kim Dearden

Happy hens plenty of eggs

Michelle Garner

18% Protein Layer Mash

Megan Rowser

18% Protein Layer Mash

Mike Gardner
Best chicken feed ever

Since I switched to lelandmills my chickens won't even touch the pellets from other farm stores and they have been laying exceptionally well for winter I'm happy and so is my flock

Audrey Moore

18% Protein Layer Mash


The best product for chickens.

Donald Kimble
Great service

Your chicken feed is the best, my chickens won't eat anything but Leland feed. I forgot to get feed once and had to buy some from cal ranch , they didn't touch it they just looked at me like I was crazy lol. You have the best service I've ever seen.

Josh Bone
Great feed!

This summer I switched from my local store feed to this feed because my hens egg laying slowed down. I know there are a lot of factors that can cause laying to slow, but I saw an dramatic increase in egg laying after a few weeks of being on this feed. Along with more eggs I noticed an increase in the quality of the eggs. I live outside the local delivery area, but it is worth the extra steps to have it delivered to my parents house and then picking it up and bringing it home. I am really pleased with this product!


Available for ATX local delivery