Take growing your flock to the next level. With as much protein as a layer feed, and more variety of ingredients than you’ve ever seen. This one-stop, all-flock feed is a great way to keep birds healthy, happy, producing, and just plain spoiled.
My birds love this food and I enjoy the delivery with my busy schedule. Thank you.
My chickens love this feed and are happy and more productive when they have it. A month or so ago they started to lay again and then slowed when I ran out of this feed. Happy to say they are back on track and producing their precious eggs. I wholeheartedly recommend this feed. Thanks Leland Mills 😎
Since I switch over to your feed, my hens have started to all lay daily.
We ordered some chicken feed for delivery, the Leland Mills team Delivered when they said they would. Great experience. Thank you.
I love this blend. Our egg production has drastically increased and our chickens love it.
We feel that this product is th best we can get for our flock and find both value and quality for our dollar.
I mix 1/2 and 1/2 with layer feed and soak it overnight. My chickens love it! They acutally search out the peas and eat them first.
My hens have finally started laying eggs again!!!
My chickens and ducks love the food, this is my 3rd order of a 1000 lb pallet delivery. I wasnt going to be home this time for delivery, so I called to make sure that was ok and told the man on the phone exactly where to deliver - "take the driveway that goes to the east side of the house and leave in front of the garage door, next to the trailer". I got a phone call from the delivery driver when he was dropping off and I told him the same info and he said that he had the notes from my earlier call. All good....until we got home. The pallet was left on the west side of my house, on a gravel driveway - grrr!! Trying to get the pallet jack across the gravel driveway was not fun. It was wet and soft ground. The pallet broke in about 10 pieces. You cant just easily move a 1000 lb pallet without heavy equipment. It was not a fun time trying to get all the food moved over to the east side of the house in the snow, especially when I talked to two people and told them exact placement. Lesson learned - I will always be home in the future :)
Great clean food & my girls love it!
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