Sal mineral traza

Tamaño: Bloque de 44 libras
El bloque está elaborado con sal marina natural de primera calidad con múltiples minerales traza. No se le han añadido minerales adicionales a este bloque; la sal marina ya aporta de forma natural cantidades mínimas de selenio, manganeso, cobre, yodo, zinc y más. Este bloque funciona bien para todo tipo de ganado vacuno, lechero, ovino, caprino, porcino y equino.

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Our store will closed Christmas through New Years Expect a one week delay for all deliveries during the Christmas closure. In-store pickup will be unavailable from 12.25 through 01.01
Our store will closed Christmas through New Years Expect a one week delay for all deliveries during the Christmas closure. In-store pickup will be unavailable from 12.25 through 01.01