For use in times of stress and when extra nutrition and hydration are needed
Mixes easily to help mask the strong chlorine taste often found in water at shows
Safe for all classes of livestock
How much 4Sure should I feed or mix into the water to have them drink?
The amount of 4Sure that you feed, or mix into the water, depends on your animal. For show pigs, sheep, and goats, we recommend feeding 4Sure the week up to your animal's target show at a rate of 2.5 ounces (one scoop that's included in the container) twice a day. When mixed with water, we recommend 2.5 ounces (one scoop) per 16 ounces of water or more and mixed thoroughly. For show cattle, we recommend 5 ounces of 4Sure per 2 gallons of water or less water for a more concentrated mix.
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