Take growing your flock to the next level. With as much protein as a layer feed, and more variety of ingredients than you’ve ever seen. This one-stop, all-flock feed is a great way to keep birds healthy, happy, producing, and just plain spoiled.
They lay more eggs and love it over the others.
I’ve been using Leland Mills for chicken feed for several months now and I love it! It seems much healthier and less processed than pellet feeds.
I really like this feed for my chickens. They definitely pick through it and eat the stuff they like first, but if you wait until the feeder is empty before refilling it, that’s not a problem.
The quality of the chicken feed was great and smelled fresh. We received product delivered to our door the next business day. Will definitely order again.
The Gallo Pro smells great, Like you might even want to try it, so it was no surprise to me when our chicks were excited to check it out. They love it and I know any product we give from Leland Mills will benefit our flock!!
The hens love this feed!
Gallo Pro
We love this feed! Smells great and my chickens love it!
… except… the latest bags we ordered (4-5 months ago), they seem to avoid whatever the green pellets are. I will see a ton of green pellets in the bottom of the feeder as they try to sift for “better” stuff. 🤣
I don’t recall them doing this with the last few batches we ordered- did anything change in the recipe?
Thanks for all you do! I am still feeding it to them, just funny that they can be so picky sometimes.
My girls have been molting for a while and were looking scraggly. One of my hens was looking extremely ragged for almost 7 months. I added gallo pro and within a week her feathers came in and she looks like her old self.
With 18% Layer Mash always available to them, my Red Sexlink hens do go crazy for the Gallo Pro that is thrown out on the ground for their afternoon snack. It keeps them happy enough that they continue to lay through these cold winter days, without add'l light, usually getting 10-12 eggs/day with 13 hens.
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